Die folgenden Liste zeigt Autoren und ihre Werke, die Aspekte enthalten, die Emanzipation der Menschheit voranzubringen. Dies ist natürlich nur eine Auswahl, die sukzessive ergänzt wird.

Name Work
Anderson, H. C. Fairy tales
Aurelius, M. Meditations
Austen, J. Emma, Mansfield Park
Bach, R. Jonathon Livingston Seagull, Illusions
Brodbeck, S. and J. Mascaro The Bhagavad Gita
Brontë, Geschwister  
Carroll, L. Alice in Wonderland
Clarke, A. C. 2001: A Space Odyssey
Coelho, P. Der Alchemist
Confucius Gespräche in der Morgenstille - Lehren des Meisters
Dickens, Charles A Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist
Dnyaneshwar alias Jnanadeva Bhavartha-Dipika alias Dyaneshwari
Donaldson, S. The Six Chronicles of Thomas, the Unbeliever
Dostoewsky, F. M.  
Eckhart, Meister  
Evans, M. A. (Marian) alias Eliot, G. Silas Marner, Middlemarch
Frisch, M. Mein Name sei Gantenbein
Torrey. E. F. Freudian Fraud
Torrey. E. F. Freuds Betrug
Fynn Mr. God, this is Anna
Goethe, J. W. v. Faust
Gorki, M.  
Hegel, G. W. F. The Phenomenology of Spirit
Hesse, H. Siddhartha, Steppenwolf, Journey to the East
Husserl, E.  
Jung, C. G.  
Kipling, J. R. The Man Who Would Be King, Jungle Book
Kleist, B. H. W. v. Über das Marionettentheater
Krämer, I. (Hrsg.) Bhagavad Gita - Gesang des Erhabenen
Lao Tse Tao Te Ching
Lessing, G. E. Nathan the Wise
Lewis, C. S. amongst others: The Chronicles of Narnia
Lings, M. Muhammad : his life based on the earliest sources
MacDonald, G. The Princess and Curdie, The Princess and the Goblin
Mascaro, J. Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, Penguin Books
McKellar, D.  
Milne, A. A. Winnie-the-Pooh
Moliere, J.-B. P. Der eingebildete Kranke
More, Sir T. Utopia
Munshi, K. M. The Krisnavatara Series
Palmer, M. The Jesus Sutras – Rediscovering the Lost Scrolls of Taoist Christianity
Rajagopalachari, C. alias Rajaji Translation Mahabharata, Ramayana, Upanishades, amongst other
Rigopoulos, A. The Life and Teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi
Rumi (= Dschalal Ad-Dins Ar-Rumi) Poetic Works
Ruskin, J. Unto this last
Ruskin, J. Diesem Letzten
Schumacher, E. F. Small is Beautiful - (A Study of) Economics as if People Mattered
Shakespeare, W. King Lear, Hamlet
Singh, K. Hymns of Guru Nanak
Srivastava, C. P. Lal Bahadur Shastri – Prime Minister of India 1964 -1966 – A Life of Truth in Politics
Exupery, A. de St. The Little Prince
Stegbuchner, H. Die große Täuschung
Sunderlal, Pandit The Gita and Quran
Suryanarayana M. C. Sir Lalita Shasranama
Swaroop, J. Padosan
Tagore, R. Poems of Kabir, Fruit Gathering, Gitanjali
Williams, T. The Glass Menagerie
Tennyson, A.  
Thoreau, H. D. Walden – Life in the Woods
Tolkien, J. R. R. Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion
Tolstoy, L. N. How Much Land Does a Man Need?, War and Peace, Anna Karenina
Wordsworth, W.  
Wyatt, T. and J. Mascaro The Upanishads
Zola, E. Germinal, Nana